
[ux_banner height="500px" bg="4063" bg_overlay="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.49)"]

[text_box width="76"]


Create beautiful Call to Action buttons with the amazing Button Element

[button text="Primary Button" style="shade" link="test?asdf&asdf=asdf&asdf&"]



[col span="3"]

Unlimited Variations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat....

[col span="9"]

[button text="Primary Color"]

[button text="Secondary Color" color="secondary" radius="12"]

[button text="Alert Color" color="alert" icon="icon-heart"]

[button text="Success Color" color="success"]

[button text="White Color" color="white"]

[button text="Primary Color" style="outline"]

[button text="Success Color" color="success" style="outline" radius="99"]

[button text="Alert Color" color="alert" style="outline" radius="6" icon="icon-heart" icon_reveal="true"]

[button text="Secondary Color" color="secondary" style="outline"]


[section bg_color="rgb(44, 44, 44)" dark="true"]


[col span="3"]

Buttons on Dark background

[col span="9"]

[button text="Primary Color"]

[button text="Secondary Color" color="secondary"]

[button text="Alert Color" color="alert"]

[button text="Success Color" color="success"]

[button text="White Color" color="white"]

[button text="Primary Color" style="outline"]

[button text="Success Color" color="success" style="outline"]

[button text="Alert Color" color="alert" style="outline"]

[button text="Secondary Color" color="secondary" style="outline"]

[button text="White outline" color="white" style="outline"]




[col span="3"]

Button Styles

Select between many different button styles.

[col span="9"]

[button text="Simple link" style="link"]

[button text="Underline" style="underline"]

[button text="Outline" style="outline" depth="2" depth_hover="2"]

[button text="Normal" depth="2" depth_hover="5"]

[button text="Gloss" style="gloss" radius="99" depth="2" depth_hover="5"]

[button text="Shade" style="shade" radius="7" depth="2" depth_hover="5"]

[button text="Bevel" style="bevel" radius="12" depth="2" depth_hover="5"]



[col span="3"]

Button with icon

Choose between many included Flatsome Icons.

[col span="9"]

[button text="Icon Button" style="bevel" radius="8" icon="icon-twitter" icon_pos="left"]

[button text="Icon Left" style="outline" radius="6" icon="icon-instagram"]

[button text="Reveal Left" style="outline" icon="icon-play" icon_pos="left" icon_reveal="true"]

[button text="Reveal Right" icon="icon-angle-right" icon_reveal="true"]

[button text="Large Button" style="bevel" size="xlarge" radius="8" icon="icon-twitter" icon_pos="left"]

[button text="Large Reveal" style="bevel" size="xlarge" radius="8" icon="icon-checkmark" icon_pos="left" icon_reveal="true"]



[col span="3"]

Simple Button Styles

[col span="9"]

[button text="Primary Color" style="link" icon="icon-play" icon_reveal="true"]

[button text="Secondary Color" color="secondary" style="link"]

[button text="Success Color" color="success" style="link"]

[button text="Alert Color" color="alert" style="link"]



[col span="3"]

Button Radius

Add custom radius to buttons

[col span="9"]

[button text="Normal Button" size="large"]

[button text="Round Button" size="large" radius="10"]

[button text="Circle Button" size="large" radius="99"]

[button text="Normal Button" style="outline" size="large"]

[button text="Round Button" style="outline" size="large" radius="10"]

[button text="Circle Button" style="outline" size="large" radius="99"]



[col span="3"]

Button Shadow

Add drop shadow to buttons to make them stand out more.

[col span="9"]

[button text="Large Shadow" style="bevel" size="large" depth="5" depth_hover="4"]

[button text="Medium Shadow" style="bevel" size="large" depth="3" depth_hover="4"]

[button text="Small Shadow" style="bevel" size="large" depth="1" depth_hover="2"]



[col span="3"]

Button Sizes

[col span="9"]

[button text="x Small" size="xsmall"]

[button text="Smaller" size="smaller"]

[button text="Small" size="small"]

[button text="Normal"]

[button text="Large" size="large"]

[button text="Larger" size="larger"]

[button text="X LARGE" size="xlarge"]



[col span="3"]

Smart Links

Add simple text to button links to link to various WordPress and WooCommerce pages.

[col span="4"]

'shop' : Goes to Shop page

'account' Goes to My Account Page

'checkout' Goes to Checkout page

'blog' Goes to blog page

[col span="4" span__sm="12"]

'home' Goes to homepage

'wishlist' Goes to wishlist page

'Page Title' Goes to page by Title.



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